
The club can offer interclub matches for men, women and juniors. Interclub is arguably the closest most club golfers get to experiencing the pressure felt by tournament professionals on a weekly basis. It examines every area of the golfer's own game with the added strain of knowing that one’s own performance directly affects the fate of the team. 

One error down the last can mean the difference between playing for the pennant or relegation. If it sounds exciting, it is, and Miramar golfers love it.  To join an Interclub team email


Golf Wellington Men's Interclub Programme   

In 2024, the programme includes fifteen 18 hole divisions (in the weekend) and a 9 hole division (midweek), with over 1,500 golfers participating across all these competitions.  

The Premier division, in which Miramar fields a team, play for the Waikanae Cup in round robin play, with the top four teams then playing for the Schroder Cup. The bottom four play for the Dudding Shield and possible relegation. 

The 18-hole divisions are played on a home and away basis with winners being promoted to the division above and the last placed team relegated. All of these divisions are match play off the stick and again, Miramar is well represented with teams entered in many of the divisions.  

To learn more about playing in the Wellington Men’s interclub programme in the, click here to Wellington Golf website


Golf Wellington Women's Interclub Programme  

It is a similar story for the women, who enter a team in Division Two of the Weekend Pennants known as the Mary Alward/Tuakana Competition. Teams of 8 go out in pairs, playing concurrent singles and fourball betterball against their opponents with handicaps applied.  Miramar also has entered teams in both divisions of the ladies Midweek Pennants.  

To learn more about playing in the Wellington Women’s interclub programme, click here to Wellington Golf website