The Redevelopment of Miramar Golf Club

The catalyst for change happened in 2019 when WIAL purchased 12.9 hectares of links land covering the back nine holes. The agreement secured a designation for airport purposes over the site in its entirety from the 1st January 2025.

The imminent loss of half of the links land forced the club to consider its future. The Club made the decision, supported by the membership at the 2022 AGM, to complete a design and costings project on what would be possible for the redevelopment of the Miramar Golf Club at the Miramar Links.

The project focused on investigating and exploring golf products which would replace lost revenues, return the golf club to operational surpluses and grow the game of golf for our members and the wider community.

We engaged Scott Macpherson, a New Zealand born world renown golf architect, to work with the club in formulating a sustainable golfing hub at the links.

Concepts were developed to determine what other golf products could be developed for the Miramar Links beyond a 9-hole golf course, to offer our members greater golf utility.

The following options were considered for our masterplan in conjunction with how to rectify, restore, and future proof the clubhouse which is in need of restoration:

  • 9 hole golf course
  • Driving range
  • Par 3 course
  • Practise areas including pitching, chipping and putting
  • Mini putt
  • New Club Lounge

In August 2023, the membership approved the essential upgrade to the remaining course. These included adding in new holes, redirecting and upgrading some existing holes, a new irrigation system and new drainage. The upgrade is now finished with a sleek 9-hole course complete with nuanced design features.

“I set out to utilise every square inch of the available land to elevate the existing course. I want this urban course to be fun for all golfers but require some strategic thinking!” Scott Macpherson, Golf Course Designer.

The Club are still working through the final costings for the remainder of the masterplan redevelopment. As we are an incorporated society the Miramar Golf Club members will be asked to vote in the following months on the remainder of the masterplan. Click here to read our redevelopment newsletters.


Click on the images below to see the course works progression from earthworks through to what the course looks like a full year later (October '23 to October '24)